Illustrations of Stephen Kent from American Dad

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    Alumnus Pays Tribute to S. Kent in ‘American Dad!’ Episode

    Grateful for everything he learned at Baltimore School for the Arts, alumnus Brian Mainolfi pays tribute to retired Visual Arts Head Stephen Kent in an episode of American Dad!:

    “Watch closely during an art gallery scene in tonight’s episode of ‘American Dad,’ and you might just spy a familiar face, especially if you’ve spent any time at the Baltimore School for the Arts in the past few decades.

    There, among the spectators, sharp-eyed BSA alums will see none other than Stephen Kent, the recently retired head of the school’s visual arts department. He’s there thanks to one of his former students, Brian Mainolfi, who has spent nine years as a storyboard artist for the animated TV show.”

    Read the story in The Baltimore Sun.

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