Suzanne Gold is a queer interdisciplinary scholar and writer studying hair as a catalyst for creative and scholarly inquiry. Through her international art collective HAIR CLUB, she investigates how hair relates to our personal stories and collective social and cultural experiences. Her writing ranges from fiction and essays to poetry and illustrations, often blending forms, material, and genre. Her scholarship has appeared in Socially Engaged Art History and Beyond (Palgrave MacMillan, 2021), The Smudge Paper, and is forthcoming In the Sensual World. Her first book, ALLTALK, released in 2022, is an exploration of the mindscapes we traverse in encounters with art, through poetry and illustrations. An excerpt from her novel-in-progress, KID NOIR, was recently recognized by Uncharted Magazine’s 2023 Novel Excerpt Contest. She is the Inaugural Writer in Residence with the University Writing Program at Johns Hopkins University for the ’24-’25 academic year.
Why Arts Education Fuels Maryland’s Economy
In a recent Baltimore Business Journal op-ed, Principal & Executive Director Roz Cauthen highlights how arts...